It's Giving Squirrel

Plus, Interview with a Visioneer

Happy Sunday, you badass builder.

Ready for another week of knocking down walls and going after what you want? You bet you are! But in case you need an extra oomph, check out this issue’s highlights:

  • Ideas are like… well, you know. Everyone has one. What really wins the day is execution. We’re going to talk about one thing that is as crucial to executing on your idea as Kevin Costner is to Yellowstone.

  • Is your vision tied to a higher purpose? Meet an entrepreneur who is running a multi-faceted business to provide jobs to Haitian women in need.

  • Find out how consumers are changing their shopping behaviors amid ongoing inflation and economic concerns.

Chasing Squirrels

Meet Millie:

Resting between rounds of chasing her dream.

Millie has a grand vision… of catching a squirrel. She will be 11 years old next week and she has worked hard at this vision every day of her life. Despite her tireless dedication, poor Mildred has yet to catch a squirrel. Not even one.

I’ll give you a quick rundown of how this typically goes:

  • Squirrel breaches the perimeter (enters yard).

  • Millie runs to the door and is released by a human.

  • She leaps from the porch in pursuit of her vision.

  • Suddenly, another - and potentially more interesting - squirrel enters her peripheral.

  • Quickly, she changes direction in pursuit of a different possible win.

  • Both squirrels run into separate trees and make that chirpy squirrel sound, which I can only assume is laughter.

By now I imagine you get where I’m going with this. Executing your grand vision takes focus, a quality which my poor little Boston obviously lacks. Right now, I’m reading, The 4 Disciplines of Execution, and loving it. Highly recommend. And the first discipline? You guessed it. Focus on the Wildly Important.

It’s one of those things that’s simple, but not easy. Two things to remember, based on the most common traps leaders fall prey to:

  1. There are probably more good opportunities out there than you’re able to execute on. SAY NO to all except the most wildly important.

  2. Not everything in the day-to-day is wildly important to move you forward toward your vision. You know all those everyday things you get sucked into? The authors call that the whirlwind. Sometimes you need to step outside it to understand what’s truly most important.

📝 Homework! Take a few minutes this week to step outside your whirlwind and think about what your 1 or 2 most wildly important goals are right now.

From Haiti, With Love

Every good vision supports a greater purpose, and there is no business where that rings true more than Rosie’s Boutique, owned by Kayla Raymond of Iowa. The words, “We believe the way you shop can change the world,” on the company’s home page perfectly illustrate what it stands for.

Kayla first fell in love with Haiti when she moved there in 2014. She opened a boutique with locally sourced goods in Haiti before moving back to the US with her husband and children. Now, Rosie’s has a retail presence with coffee shop in Rock Rapids, Iowa, and a thriving ecommerce business that includes a monthly greeting card subscription box.

Card Club showcases hand-stitched greeting cards made by Haitian women. Rosie’s now employs 31 of those women full-time, enabling them to provide for their families and stay with their children. In the country considered to be the poorest in the Western hemisphere, that is the very definition of making a difference.

So, ready to go shopping and make a difference? Or just want to cheer on a fellow dreamer as she builds? Check out the 100% Haitian home goods, jewelry, and more on the Rosie’s Shopify site, or follow the boutique on Insta so it can show up in your feed the next time you’re doom scrolling at midnight. You’re welcome.

Driven by mission and community, Rosie’s sells Haitian goods to create jobs.

News You Can Use… to Build Your Dream

Penny Pinchers: Website Practical Ecommerce broke down some findings from a recent PwC consumer insights survey that found 96% of consumers intend to adopt cost-saving behaviors over the next six months. In all fairness, I’ve been “intending” to do the same for years now, so I’m not sure how scary that stat really is.

TikTok and Ya Don’t Stop: Unless you’re in Big Sky Country, that is. Montana became the first state to ban TikTok this week, a ruling that’s already been met by at least one lawsuit from creators who use the app to fuel their small businesses.

Goliath Helping David?: Reportedly, Amazon is testing a small business search filter that will allow users to filter by “Business Type” while Ambien-shopping for the perfect edible glitter or live ladybugs. In order to be included, businesses will either need to participate in the Handmade program or be Brand Registered with Amazon.

Speaking of Testing: If building your dream relies on building a list, listen up. Google is testing its very own blue checkmark program, because apparently Elon didn’t kill that symbol by charging Twitter users for it. Google’s check won’t cost you money, but your brand does need to be verified with Google.

Howdy, (Business) Partner: This week the Small Business Administration announced revisions to its most popular loan program. Businesses can now use their SBA cheddar to purchase part of a business, instead of having to go all-in on a buyout. With a record number of business owners nearing retirement age, this is a step in the right direction for keeping small, local businesses alive.

Your turn 🎙️

Who’s your favorite dreamer or builder? Reply with their name or socials and get them featured in a future edition of The Visioneer! (Because there are too many amazeballs humans out there for me to find them on my own, y’all. Thanks for your help!)

Until next week, dream on, you beautiful baddies!
